Become a member
Members will receive newsletters about events and meetings,
and will have the possibility of attending certain events at lower prices.
Become a member of SfE - Danish Nutrition Society
Members of DNS will receive newsletters on email about events and meetings, and will have the possibility of attending certain events at lower prices - i.e. the annual 'Temamøde' in spring.
Danish Nutrition Society is run by the Board on a voluntary basis. Meetings and other events are financed by membership contingents and sponsorships.
The annual membership contingent is determined each year at the General Assemly. The contingent is currently set at:
Personal: 250,-
Student / Retiree: 150,- (first year free of charge)
Institution: 1000,-
Company: 2500,-
Fill out the formula to sign up as a member of DNS. You will receive confirmation of your membership on email within a few days.